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What is the connection between Children's Book Week and Seeing Eye Dogs? Not all dogs born into Seeing Eye Dogs programs have the necessary qualities for the highly specialised role of a dog guide. Some of our career-changed dogs will go onto have an alternative ‘working’ role, for example, therapy dogs in schools.


"Lady lying on the floor next to a student in the classroom"
Lady lying on the floor next to a student in the classroom

Lady was adopted in 2022 when it was decided she was not suitable as a Seeing Eye Dog. Thanks to her gentle nature and confidence she is the perfect reading companion helping her new owner’s students with their literacy goals.

Adopter and teacher Amanda Pino gave Lady her forever home and a special role with some extra therapy dog skills to boot.


"Amanda and Lady in the classroom. Amanda is dressed up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz"
Amanda and Lady in the classroom. Amanda is dressed up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz

“I still remember the day when I first met Lady at the Seeing Eye Adoption Centre. I knew she was going to be the most incredible side kick to me, but I didn’t begin to imagine what an incredible support and ally to my students she would become.

It was clear to see with Lady’s previous training, her willingness to learn and her unwavering love of people and children that being a therapy dog in a school setting was going to be just the job for Lady,” Amanda says.

In the classroom

For the students at Amanda’s school, each morning they’re welcomed by their furry friend. “Lady greets each student when they enter the classroom, sensing who needs additional attention and staying sat against their leg.

Lady currently works at Swan Hill Specialist School spending most of her day devoted to the 8 students within the class. Each morning students reads for 15mins. One student refused point blank to read and would spend his time loitering around the classroom avoiding reading. I explained how much Lady enjoys listening to stories and she’d love him to read her a book. Each morning they sit on the floor and he reads to her. Lady never judges how he pronounces his words or the fluency of his reading. He reads and pats her gently and she lays her head on his lap.”


"Lady receiving a pat from a student as the student reads from a book."
Lady receiving a pat from a student as the student reads from a book.

“Lady instantly puts a smile on students faces. She helps with students who need transitioning to different areas, she soothes students who have had a tough morning and will lay near students when they are completing challenging work and need sensory support from her soft fur to help them persist.”

“I am thankful for everyday I spend with Lady she is a devoted loving dog who I am lucky enough to spend 24/7 with. She loves zoomies around the garden when we get home or snoring away at nighttime in her bed. I wouldn’t change her for the world - she brings such value to my life, and I am eternally grateful for being able to adopt her.”


"A headshot of Lady"
A headshot of Lady

At Seeing Eye Dogs, we’re proud of all of our dogs whatever roles they take or paths they choose and are so thankful to wonderful adopters for giving them loving homes they deserve.

If you’re looking for a loving family member, find out about released dog adoption on our website: https://sed.visionaustralia.org/about-our-dogs/released-dogs/adopt