Thayana had always been very independent, so losing her vision was an incredible challenge, especially while studying at Curtin University in Perth.
By 2012, Thayana had already experienced significant vision loss due to retina detachments. When she began university in 2015, her lack of independence frustrated her. She says, ‘I couldn’t walk around campus like other students. I had to rely on the help of friends and classmates or Curtin Security Officers, even just to get coffee or food. I was missing out on the full university experience.’
Then one morning, she woke to find her vision had disappeared completely. Emergency surgery helped her regain 10% of her vision. This was the moment Thayana realised she had to accept her new life but needed to make changes. ‘I didn’t want to live the way I had been before, being dependent on everyone.’
After deciding to embrace her life with low vision, Thayana immediately began looking into being matched with a Seeing Eye Dog – and met her beautiful best friend, Shaylah, a match only possible because of your kindness. ‘I was super excited to receive a dog, and that excitement came shining through during our training!’
Thayana standing with her Seeing Eye Dog Shaylah
Our mobility instructor Matt Wood is full of praise. ‘Thayana is open to change as well as challenges. She has bonded quickly with Shaylah and they work together extremely well.’
Thayana says, ‘I love not having to depend on others, even just to walk around the block. Now if I want to get up and go out, I can do so with Shaylah! I know not every day will be the same, there will be ups and downs, but I am so excited and grateful for my freedom and confidence!’
What an amazing gift you have given Thayana – the gift of freedom. Thank you for all you do to help care for and train Seeing Eye Dogs.